




Convening on this day 20 October 2022, at the Headquarters of the United Nations Organization in the City of New York, we, the undersigned former Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly,

Recognizing the universal ideals and noble principles of the United Nations Charter;

Resolving to strengthen multilateralism, to elevate international public consciousness as regards the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and to support the institution of the United Nations General Assembly and its program of work;

Noting that the United Nations General Assembly is the principal and authoritative organ of the United Nations Organization;

Bearing in mind the fundamental leadership role of the President of the United Nations General Assembly and that the President of the United Nations General Assembly holds the highest status in protocol within the United Nations Organization;

Further bearing in mind that the Office of the President of the United Nations General Assembly is the entity responsible for the program of work of the most representative organ of the United Nations Organization;

Recalling the establishment of the Council of the Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly 25 years ago in October 1997;

Appreciating the continuing contributions that former Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly make through their experience, leadership, and ongoing service to the international community;

Further appreciating the usefulness of revitalizing the Council for facilitating consultation and collaboration among former Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly; and between them and the serving President of the United Nations General Assembly, the heads of United Nations organs, Funds, and Programs and of other United Nations System entities; and relevant international actors and leadership networks;

  1. DECIDE to revitalize the COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, hereinafter referred to as the COUNCIL.

  2. APPROVE the following objectives, functions, membership. and related matters of the Council:


Article I. Objectives

The main objectives of the Council are to:

  1. take such actions as may be indicated to strengthen multilateralism through the United Nations General Assembly toward the realization of  the fundamental pillars of the United Nations Charter: peace and security, development, and human rights;

  2. serve as a channel of consultation and collaboration among former Presidents of the General Assembly;

  3. promote consultation and collaboration between the Council and the serving President of the United Nations General Assembly; heads of United Nations organs, Funds, and Programs, heads of other United Nations System entities; and relevant international actors and leadership networks;

  4. serve as a focal point for the continuing supportive involvement of the Council in the work and objectives of the United Nations General Assembly and forge linkages with its activities, as appropriate.


Article II. Functions

The Council serves as a platform for the purposes of:

  1. providing a framework for consultation and collaboration among Council members for the purpose of organizing activities in support of the objectives of the Council, the work of the United Nations General Assembly, and the principles and purposes of  the United Nations Charter;

  2. holding an annual meeting and periodic meetings during each Session of the United Nations General Assembly at United Nations Headquarters and around the world;

  3. acting as a liaison between Council members and relevant international actors and leadership networks to pursue activities of common interest and purpose;

  4. publicizing the Council’s program of work, activities, and achievements.


Article III. Membership

The former Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly are members of the Council; the current President of the General Assembly is an ex officio member of the Council.


Article IV. Elections

  1. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by a simple majority of members of the Council present and voting;

  2. Elections take place at the annual meeting in the final year of each term;

  3. Any member of the Council may nominate another eligible member as candidate to serve as Chair of Vice-Chair, including oneself, during the period designated by the Secretariat. If no such candidate is nominated, the issue is referred to the Secretariat;

  4. If there is a sole candidate, election is by acclamation;

  5. Sudden vacancies are filled at the next meeting of the Council.


Article V.  Chair and Vice-Chair

  1. The Chair will be fully empowered to lead the Council, manage its affairs, and represent it for a three-year term, renewable once;

  2. One Vice-Chair will serve for a three-year term, renewable once.


Article VI.  Advisory Board

In consultation with members of the Council, the Chair may create an Advisory Board comprised of distinguished United Nations leaders and other international personalities appointed by the Chair to support the Council’s realization of its objectives.


Article VII.  Task Forces and Fellows

In consultation with members of the Council, the Chair may create task forces to address defined topics and appoint distinguished experts as Fellows to assist the Council in its considerations.


Article VIII. Meetings

  1. Quorum for a meeting of the Council is six and decisions are to be taken by consensus, unless otherwise specified herein;

  2. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair conducts meetings;

  3. In addition to scheduled meetings, the Council will convene upon the request of the Chair or of any three members of the Council.


Article IX. The Secretariat

  1. In consultation with members of the Council, the Chair will appoint a Secretary-General to head a Secretariat based in the Office of the President of the United Nations General Assembly;

  2. The Secretariat will provide due administrative and logistical support to enable the Council to execute its program of work as envisaged by this Charter.


Article X.  Resources

  1. To support the activities of the Council the Chair is responsible for mobilizing resources and in-kind contributions and depends upon the collaboration of the Vice-Chair, the members, and the Secretary-General;

  2. A fund will be established in a dedicated account of financial resources for the activities of the Council;

  3. An annual report to membership on the work, operations, and finances of the Council will be provided.


Article XI. General Rules

  1. The Council has the authority to interpret this Charter.

  2. The Council may formulate by-laws and address any matter not covered by this Charter necessary for carrying out its objectives.

  3. Any amendment to this Charter requires two-thirds of  Council members present and voting.